
A few words are not enough to describe what music really is.
The traditional definition of music describes it as a sound event that shows regularity in rhythm, melody and harmony consisting of rhythmic and/or tonal sounds. Contemporary music, however, also encompasses works that do not (or only partly) comply with these conditions, meaning that they contain more noise and sound than melody and rhythm.
Other art forms like painting work timelessly in a room and add a structure to it. Whereas music is always bound to time and its rhythm structures the time. Other important elements of music are melodies and harmony. A melody is a temporal succession of tones, while the term harmony describes the relationship of tones.
Music is often referred to as a pure and purposeless form of art, although it is common to use music for certain purposes. Examples of targeted use of music include: awakening or enhancing emotions (e.g. in commercials or film music); as background music for videos or presentations; or for therapeutic purposes like music therapy. And, at least since opera has emerged, music also developed a narrative function and has since appeared in many different forms of art and media.
In the course of its development, music initially had a purely ritual function. Presumably, it took a very long time until music was used as we know it today.
Our team of musicians and sound technicians is absolutely committed to music. We learned that music is a universal language and we are capable of translating ideas into the language of music. We have been producing Royalty-free music for years and in many different styles and we are constantly developing our expertise further.
All music produced by Gemafreie Welten is 100% Royalty-free and doesn't belong to any collecting society (such as GEMA, Suisa or AKM).
Please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail or by telephone on 0049 (0) 331-9676730.

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